Knowing The Reasons For Liver Damage

Knowing The Reasons For Liver Damage


Liver damage tends to be a progressive condition. There are numerous factors leading to this health situation. Early medical attention helps safeguard well-being against potential damage. It can be an infection, a genetic factor, or alcohol misuse that results in liver damage over time.

Scarring of the liver tissue is a late-stage liver disease. You might not get prominent signs of liver scarring in the beginning. Healing depends on the extension of the damage. It may cause permanent liver damage. See the best general physician in Siliguri for liver disease.

The problem is a liver disease doesn’t always cause significant signs. However, signs and symptoms of liver disease can be abdominal pain (especially on the right side), abdominal swelling, ongoing fatigue, dark urine, pale coloured stool, jaundice, loss of appetite, swelling in the ankles and legs, itchy skin, nausea, vomiting, etc.

Consult your general physician as soon as the signs are noticeable. Here are some reasons and risk factors for liver damage:

  • Hepatitis A (Hepatitis A virus causing inflammation of the liver)
  • Hepatitis B (Hepatitis B virus causing a potentially life-threatening liver infection)
  • Hepatitis C (Hepatitis C virus causing serious liver inflammation and liver damage)
  • Autoimmune hepatitis (a liver inflammation in which your own immune system harms healthy liver cells)
  • Wilson’s disease (a rare inherited disorder causing too much copper build-up in your vital organs, like the liver or brain)
  • Primary biliary cholangitis (a chronic, progressive disease that damages the bile ducts in the liver)
  • Liver adenoma (a benign/non-cancerous liver tumour)
  • Liver cancer (malignant growth in the cells of the liver)
  • Hemochromatosis (a genetic condition in which your body absorbs too much iron from the food you eat stored in organs like the liver, or pancreas)
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (a condition in people with drink no or little alcohol)

Factors that increase the likelihood of liver disease include:

  • Obesity
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Unprotected sex
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Using shared needles
  • Family history of liver disease
  • High cholesterol

If the condition remains undiagnosed or untreated puts you at risk of liver failure. In order to prevent the risk, ensure:

  • Weight management
  • Quitting alcohol
  • Having safe sex
  • No needle sharing
  • No drug abuse
  • Hygiene
  • Get vaccinated if advised by the doctor
  • Healthy food consumption
  • Regular exercise

Diagnosis for the liver disease includes blood tests, imaging tests like a CT scan, or MRI, a liver biopsy, et al. These tests help your doctor determine your liver condition or how severe the disease has become. You might consult the topgeneral physician in Siliguri.

Possible medical care for the liver disease involves lifestyle modifications (refraining from alcohol/tobacco smoking/substance dependency, safe sex, eating healthy, moderate exercise, weight management, cutting high fat/cholesterol-rich food choices), medications, and liver transplant. Speak to your healthcare provider for the best understanding of your treatment.

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